Daily Archives: April 6, 2013

The Avoidance Method

The Avoidance Method:

When you avoid all forms of writing because you are terrified to begin revision on you novel.

Yes, this is my excuse for not posting.  The six weeks I’ve allotted for leaving my novel alone are up, and I must begin revising.  Actually I should have begun a while ago, but I slipped into an awful habit of mine.  The Avoidance Method.

It’s a terrible, ugly thing that only grips me when I absolutely have to get work done.  That’s not even the problem, though.  Once you’ve identified that you’re avoiding your writing, it’s a simple fix and your back on track.  By simple fix, I mean that you kick yourself in the pants (doable) and get to work.  That novel isn’t going to write itself!  For me, it’s no different.

What is different is that I’m an expert at the Avoidance Method.  I’m so good at it that I can convince myself that I’m not avoiding anything.  Nope.  I’m cleaning up the house because it’s a mess.  I’m reading three books at once because I love to read.  I’m making brownies because I deserve them.  I’m making more brownies because I deserve those, too.  I’m making even more brownies because–

No.  I do not deserve brownies.

This is a dangerous cycle to fall into, and it can hamper your writing in major ways.  I’m lucky that I found my way out.  But… there’s still a problem.  I’m still scared to begin revision.  So, I’m gong to give myself an extra week (because sometimes that’s all you need).  I’m going to order a book about revision, and when it shows up on my doorstep, I’m going to crack the spine and begin revising.  Just like that.  Even if I begin avoiding all writing again, getting that book will snap me back into reality.

Wish me luck!

Katarina Madden

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Posted by on April 6, 2013 in Uncategorized


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